Mikkeller Beer Beer Celebration Tokyo campaign

Content strategy
Campaign development
Digital marketing
Social media management
Mikkeller, the beer brand from Copenhagen, Denmark, is a globally recognised craft brew company that produces internationally loved beer and runs popular bars worldwide. Mikkeller Japan approached us to raise awareness for their craft beer event in Tokyo, which was the first of its kind held outside of Copenhagen.
Y+L Projects supported the Overall SNS PR strategy; this included activation, content creation, newsletter strategy and creation, digital marketing strategy, and campaign curation. Our proposal aimed to increase Mikkeller’s fan base by redefining their brand positioning. The campaign focused on the concept that “Mikkeller is not only a unique craft beer bar but also a community.”
The outcome contributed to the bar’s record sales and built a genuine relationship with new and existing customers. Over 2,000 people joined the event on the day, a resounding success for a debut event here in Tokyo. デンマークに本社を構え、クラフトビールの製造販売を行うビール専門店「ミッケラー」。
Y+L Projectsは、全体のPR設計、アクティベーション、コンテンツ制作、ニュースレター戦略立案、キャンペーン構築・実行、広告運用を主に担当。
Y+L Projectsはミッケラーを「バー」ではなく、「ビールが中心のコミュニティ」として興味を持ってもらうことを提案しました。ビール離れが加速していると言われる若い世代に、クラフトビールのほんとうの美味しさを知ってもらえれば、チケットを購入し、最終的にはミッケラーコミュニティをまるごと好きになってもらえると考えたのです。
Bringing the best of craft beer culture to Japan

Over 2,000 people joined the celebration
Social media was fundamental to provoking engagement and developing awareness of the brand. ソーシャルメディアキャンペーンを通し、ブランド認知を爆発的に高めた。

Producer: Momoko Nakamura
Content strategy: Yoichiro Tamada
Campaign development: Yoichiro Tamada
Planning: Yoichiro Tamada
Digital marketing: Yoichiro Tamada
Social media management: Yoichiro Tamada