Bombay Sapphire Key Visual Creation


Creative direction
Art direction


In recent years, the popularity of gin has continued to soar in Japan, especially with the emergence of unique "craft gins" from small distilleries and the dedicated efforts of Japanese gin brands, leading to a thriving gin industry.

Amid this reevaluation of gin, Bombay Sapphire, one of the world's leading gin brands, wanted to distinguish itself further and showcase its excellence, so the company asked YL Projects to assist with crafting a powerful key visual and copy for a recent seasonal Japanese campaign, linking back to the brand’s ethos of “stir creativity”.
ボンベイ・サファイア、世界を代表するジンのブランド。近年、ジンの人気は絶え間なく高まり続けています。特に、個性的な「クラフトジン」が小規模蒸留所から登場し、日本のジンブランドも力を注いでおり、ジン業界はますます盛り上がりを見せています。このジンの再評価が進む中で、ボンベイ・サファイアはその孤高の存在感を一層際立たせています。YL Projectsは、今期のコミュニケーションキャンペーンにおいて、キービジュアル制作を担当しました。

Client brief

Bombay wanted a key visual that would help increase awareness among new and potential gin and soda enthusiasts; these visuals were to be used in-store and on digital platforms. Finally, the brand wanted the visual to touch on the company's ongoing global brand tagline of "Stir Creativity". ・新たなジンソーダ愛飲者層の認知度向上
・ブランドのタグライン「Star Creativity(かきたてる創造力)」を具現化

Our proposal

Inspired by the emotional and functional benefits derived from enjoying Bombay Sapphire's gin and soda, we devised the tagline in Japanese, "それは、感性に香る、洗練された余韻" (loosely translated: “A refined aftertaste of sensibility”) and incorporated into the key visual copy.

For the art direction, we focused on elements that stimulate emotions like anticipation and excitement, to enhance the allure of gin and soda, igniting creativity. We provided on key visual multiple in various sizes that could be utilized for in-store, digital platforms, and campaigns.

Excitement you can taste

The visuals were designed to elicit emotion and anticipation for the product and experiences it may bring. ボンベイ・サファイアのジンソーダを飲むことによって得られるベネフィットから、「それは、感性に香る、洗練された余韻。」を考案し、KVのコピーに設定しました。アートディレクションでは、ジンソーダの魅力を最大限に引き立てるために、しずる感、水面に水滴が落ちる美しい瞬間など、感情をくすぐる要素に焦点を当て、創造性を刺激するデザインを追求しました。


Creative director: Yoichiro Tamada (YL Projects)
Creative assistant: Bambou Yoshida (YL Projects)
Producer: Hiraku Matsuzaki (Konel)
Art director: Joe Yanagida (syncity inc.)
DOP, photographer: Akihiko Ohsugi
Retoucher: Takuma Yoshikawa
Copywriter: Ichiro Yasui
Special effects technician: Yuji Suzuki



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