Halekulani Hotel ‘A Pilgrimmage Through the Sacred Ryukyu’




With locations in Honolulu, Hawaii and more recently Okinawa, Japan, Halekulani is one of the world’s most influential and admired luxury resort brands. The brand brings understated, timeless elegance to a setting of breathtaking natural beauty in Okinawa.

What makes Halekulani’s Okinawa facility different to the area’s other luxury establishments is the brand’s dedication to showcasing, and educating guests about the island’s culture and way of life through unique curated experiences crafted in collaboration with the Halekulani team and the local community.

In order to promote their newest luxury offering “Pilgrimage Through Sacred Ryukyu”, a spiritually centred journey though the island of Okinawa, Y+L Projects teamed up with Halekulani and their New York based PR agency Evins to craft press content for the launch of the program. Y+L Projects visited Okinawa, interviewed those involved in the program and crafted a thoroughly researched, media ready press release detailing the program, its legacy and appeal.

Y+L Projectsはニューヨークに拠点を構えるPRエージェンシーEvinsと協力し、沖縄の神秘的な美しさを体験できるプログラム「A Pilgrimmage Through The Sacred Ryukyu」の海外旅行者向けの広報物を制作しました。

Where modern luxury and ancient history collide

The experiences, known as Halekulani Okinawa Escapes are luxury programs available exclusively to guests Halekulani Okinawa Escapes are special programs available exclusively to guests staying at Halekulani Okinawa. In a first for any hotel in Okinawa, they offer the chance to experience the island up close and to the fullest. 「ハレクラニ沖縄エスケープ」は沖縄のホテルでは初となる、島の文化を存分に体感できる特別なプログラム。ハレクラニ沖縄のゲストのみが参加できます。


Producer: Evins PR (New York)
Research: Lucy Dayman
Content creation: Lucy Dayman
Interviewing: Lucy Dayman
Copywriting: Lucy Dayman



The world’s first ever newspaper was published (on stone) in 59BC.
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