Hokkaido Tourism Website content renewal




In time for 2021, the Hokkaido Tourism Organisation, Hokkaido’s main tourism organisation was looking to revamp and update the content on their key platform Good Day Hokkaido. The platform is utilised by travellers all over the globe looking to learn more about the prefecture’s attractions, areas, culture and activities. Being such a naturally abundant destination, the Hokkaido Tourism Organisation, was keen to promote the prefecture’s outdoor attractions, and locally run tours.

Y+L Projects was asked by one of Japan’s leading media platforms, All About Japan to assist with updating, editing and proofreading the previously published content to ensure that Good Day Hokkaido was promoting the area’s attractions in the most effective manner.
世界中の旅行者から支持される北海道の観光情報サイト「GoodDay北海道」。自然豊かな北海道の魅力(地域、文化、アクティビティ)を伝えるべく、Y+L Projectsは、日本有数のメディアプラットフォームであるAll About Japanと協力し、新しいコンテンツを制作、最新情報の執筆を担当しました。

Japan’s northern frontier showcased to the world

Y+L Projects researched, edited, and rewrote content on site ensuring that the copy was clear, attractive, informative and conveyed Hokkaido’s sense of fun and adventure. The platform was renewed and updated at the end of 2020. 北海道がいかに楽しく、冒険心をくすぐられる場所であるかが伝わるように、現地で調査、編集、リライトを行いました。このプラットフォームは2020年末にリニューアルされました。


Producer: All About Japan
Copywriting: Lucy Dayman
Research: Lucy Dayman
Editorial: Lucy Dayman



1941: The year of the first-ever TV commercial.
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