Pocket Change International awareness campaign

Press kit creation
Pocket Change is a Japan-based company. They build kiosk-style cash machines that instantly exchange bills and coins of various currencies into electronic money, vouchers, or charitable donations to be used in your country’s currency of choice. With outlets across Japan and a presence in company already has a reputable presence in their home country. What they wanted was to garner attention with a foreign traveling audience in both Japan and abroad. 空港や駅、街中のゲームセンターやドンキホーテなどに設置される「ポケットチェンジ」。
Y+L Projects crafted a global PR campaign, with a focus on international travellers passing through Japan and wider Asia. We crafted a media kit by scouting international models, to create professional, press-ready photos that would accompany the English press release and previously supplied video content from Pocket Change. The reason for the Japan and wider Asia focus was to make sure those who read about the machine could access the machine with relative ease and would be familiar with its services when someday in the future it inevitably rolls out across the world. Y+L Projectsは、訪日外国人やアジアを旅する層に向けたグローバルなPRキャンペーンを提案しました。グローバルなPRキャンペーンを展開するうえで大切なのは、海外メディアが取り上げたいと思える外国人視点のプレスリリース記事の作成と、それに付随したプレスキット(写真や映像など)の提供です。外国人モデルを撮影した写真と、ポケットチェンジの映像を組み合わせたプレスキットを作成しました。
By crafting a strategy campaign to reach out to targeted media outlets, Y+L Projects secured priceless media coverage including news stories, feature editorial, and listicle (matome) style features.Some of the key outlets to feature Pocket Change included South China Morning Post, which has a monthly online readership of 46.3 million, and Japan travel site Matcha which boasts 40.6 million monthly views. The company was also featured in Cebu Airline’s inflight magazine SMILE as well as other relevant outlets. 海外のニュースや、特集記事、まとめ記事、そして主要なメディアに数々掲載されることとなりました。月間で4千万ビューがある中国の主要ウェブメディア「South China Morning Post」や外国人向け日本への旅行サイトである「Matcha」、セブ航空の機内誌にまで。

Rethink your cash
Pocket Change is a company build to minimise financial waste. By rethinking our relationship with leftover change, these green Boxes are set to save travellers literal tons of cash. ポケットチェンジは、海外旅行の際に余った外貨を、電子マネーやギフトコード、クーポン等に両替できる日本初の画期的なサービス緑色のマシンは、何トンものコインをこれまで貯めてきました。

Strategy: Lucy Dayman
Press: Lucy Dayman
Producer: Yoichiro Tamada
Photography: Alex Abian
Copywriting: Lucy Dayman
Promotion: Lucy Dayman