Wargaming Group Tank Head Girl


Content strategy
Campaign development
Digital marketing
Content planning
Game concept
Game development
Social media management


Wargaming Group approached us to come up with a testing campaign in order to drive up organic game installs in Japan. We proposed to raise awareness of World of Tanks Blitz by reaching the gamer community through an online game mini-site of a genre that’s unique to Japan: A dating simulation game.

Ultra Super took charge of the video game creation. Y+L Projects supported the promotion part of this campaign. Soon after the launch, the campaign started spreading organically, and within two weeks, over 80 news media covered our story, followed by more than 8,000 organic tweets, as well as the dozens of youtube videos published. As a result, the mini-site reached over 150,000 page views and the number of gameplay reached over 20,000 times with over 12,000 unique participants all around the world.

Only a few hours after the minisite launched and PR was released, over 80 news media, including the major online game media and some of the biggest news media in Japan picked up the game.
・VGR (America)
・GNN新聞 (China)

Gamer’s community
Tank head girl (戦車頭女子 in Japanese) was organically mentioned over 8,000 times on Twitter with overwhelming positive reaction.
世界中で支持されるWargaming Groupによるマルチプレイヤーゲーム「World of Tanks Blitz」。

Y+L Projectsは、このテストキャンペーンの企画依頼を受けたUltraSuperNewとパートナーシップを組み、日本のゲーマーコミュニティをターゲットに、ゲームの認知度とダウンロード数の増加を提案しました。
具体的には、戦車を頭にかぶるほどミリタリー好きな「戦車頭女子(タンクヘッドガール)」をヒロインとした「恋愛シミュレーションゲーム」をコンセプトとし、ゲームの企画、制作、プロモーションを実行。Y+L Projectsは主に、プロモーションのプランニング、戦略立案、実行をサポートしました。



・GAME Watch


Promotion and storytelling through game creation

This campaign took everything that’s exciting about video games and distilled it down to one tight promotional package. オンラインブラウザ上で遊べるミニゲームを制作し、一つの強力なプロモーションパッケージを制作。


Head of digital: Malo Yamakado (UltraSuperNew)
Project manager: Takanori Iseki (UltraSuperNew)
Art direction: Masaaki Takesue (UltraSuperNew)
Copywriting: Satoru Teshima (UltraSuperNew)
Planning: Yoichiro Tamada (Y+L Projects)
Front-end development: Julien Henrotte (UltraSuperNew)
Design: Yusuke Suzuki (UltraSuperNew)
Illustration, Character design: Furukawa Hetzer (Freelance)
Voice actress: Ryoko Shiraishi (Aoni Production)


Webby Awards: Advertising, Media & PR / Best Use of Earned Media 2019



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